
Tuesday 20 October 2015

My first blog post

Hello my name is Bob and this is my first EVER......Blog. Also I look forward to you guys  seeing my blog. I am so excited and I hope you lovely people see my blog or my class mates blog and I will always share my learning with you. Bye bye. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


  2. Hi there Bob, my name is Aki, I go to Te Kura O Waima.I really liked your post. I liked how you used an emoji. I found this interesting because this was your first blog post and it is already amazing. How did you learn to post on your blog? I have not used that DLO before, is it easy to use? Have you thought of posting more posts like this next time? I would like to read more of your posts in the future.
    Blog again soon.
